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Break on Through to Wake-Initiated Lucid Dreams

Writer's picture: Kristen LaMarca PhDKristen LaMarca PhD

Wake-Initiated Lucid Dreaming Image has a subtle image of Jim Morrison and text that says "Break on through to the other side" ~The doors
The doors of perception are right before your eyes.

This image defines Wake-initiated lucid dreaming, or WILD for short.  WILDs differ from the more common Dream-initiated lucid dream (DILD), which is when you become lucid while the dream is already in progress. In a WILD, you maintain awareness of your state through the waking-to-dreaming transition. You are lucid as soon as you begin to dream.

Q. “I heard you speak about how WILDs were a way for you to have more lucid dreams when you were starting out. I've been trying so hard but I get stuck in sleep paralysis and I don’t fall asleep all the way. My body feels like a weight, tingly, and I sometimes see and feel like I’m getting pulled into a dream but then I just wake back up.

I just can’t seem to break through. Can you give me advice?”


A. Your complaint about WILDing is not unheard of. If you are, by all accounts, applying WILD techniques under the right physical conditions for REM sleep, you’re likely experiencing one of two problems.

Either you're stuck in the ‘in-between,’ or you're already dreaming but you don’t realize it.


It's possible to be aware in the wake-to-REM sleep transition, but unable to fall asleep lucidly any further. It's true. Sometimes, the concentration methods it takes to WILD can prevent you from fully falling asleep.

You may need to relax your mind a little more so you can let yourself drift into the dream nonlucidly. If you can’t overcome this, it may take letting go of your ‘lucid awareness,’ at least a little, in order to fall into full-on REM dreaming.

When you decide to just "let yourself" fall asleep, here are a couple options that can still promote lucidity.

* Do a few cycles of MILD*

Before letting yourself drift to sleep (without concentrating on maintaining lucidity), practice a few rounds of the MILD technique. You are so close to the dream state that the intentions you set through MILD might trigger lucidity when you fall asleep in a few minutes anyway.

*Leave a trail of breadcrumbs*

Repetitive mantras, counting, or rehearsing movements can spark a trail that continues into the dream even if you don't stay lucid through the wake-to-dream transition.

Try repeating "1…I’ll know I’m dreaming, 2...I'll know I'm dreaming...," etc. Go to say...100. Or, you can imagine yourself spinning your body round and round with your arms outspread.

By doing so, you'll leave a trail of breadcrumbs that can lead you back to lucidity, that is, once you're in.

The image has a subtle image of Jim morrison in the background and one of his famous song quotes, "Is everybody in?"
From ‘Awake,’ by The Doors

Take this WILD report for example:

“I begin dreaming that I'm telling my partner how I failed to become lucid in my dream. He begins counting the times I failed by saying “70, I’m dreaming, 30, I’m dreaming, 44, I’m dreaming. I'm counting with him and realize his count is off. I try to remember the number I was at when I was falling asleep a moment ago. In a flash I realize, "This is it! I have landed in the dream! "

You see, even though I lost lucidity for a few moments, a thread of awareness still seeped its way into my dreamworld, cueing my memory.


If you’re noticing the signs of sleep paralysis, there’s a sweet chance that you’re already in REM sleep. You may just be dreaming that you’re still awake, struggling to fall asleep lucidly. (Yes, your dreaming mind is that creative!)

In other words, you are in a dream body in a dream bed in a dream bedroom, but you’re nonlucid. You’re misperceiving your state.

The transition from perceiving your actual body in bed to a dreamed-up version of the same scene can be easy to miss. This replica of your sleeping environment can fool even the most prolific oneironauts, including myself.

Take one of my own WILD experiences for example:

“I've been lying on my back in bed for more than a half hour, trying to WILD during a nap. I was meditating, focusing on remembering I’m dreaming, and observing the leaden feeling in my limbs. I knew I was so close, but I grew worried that a WILD was never going to happen.
I did wonder if I was dreaming already, but it really didn’t seem like it. Just in case I was in fact dreaming, I deferred doing a re-reading reality test, you know, to avoid moving, thereby breaking my trance. Instead, I mentally willed myself to float above my bed. Nothing happened. Frustrated, I think, How long do I have to meditate for before I start lucid dreaming?

Sound familiar? I know how frustrating it can feel to be so close to a lucid dream after working so hard at it.

Little did I know, I was already dreaming….

At that point, I had enough of trying to lucid dream. I gave up and got up out of bed. Walking into my living room, I was stopped dead in my tracks. It was not my living room. (It looked a lot like my living room, but it was different). I laughed at how long I was dreaming after all.
I immediately lied down on the floor where I was, back into a corpse position. I practiced my sleep yoga meditations, just like I pre-planned while awake. I was soon enveloped by a blissful white light before it quickly dissipated. As the light faded, I was graced with a view of a gorgeous whale breaching the ocean amidst a burning orange sunset. The whale then dove back down, deep below, waving goodbye to me with its tail. I thanked my lucid dream for such a beautiful experience, and ruffled myself awake so I could journal it before forgetting any details.

See how a simple change of mindset completely transformed my dream? The dream was right before my eyes the whole time!

What was so ironic was how long I was meditating in bed so impatiently while already dreaming. Then, once lucid, I lied right back down into the SAME position to meditate! But this time, I was able to induce a beautiful lucid experience.

Though it won't always be the case that you’re already dreaming, a sizable portion of WILD attempts contain elements of "sleep state misperception" (i.e. believing you're still awake when you are objectively asleep).

By preparing for this probability, you'll learn to recognize your sleep states with increasingly better accuracy.


I hope that sharing my own WILD experience encourages you to keep investigating this extremely interesting space within your mind.

If you're struggling with the prospective memory skills required to get lucid in the middle of a dream, WILDs can be a backdoor. The keys to unlocking these doors are really not that hard to find, if you know where to look.



Check out this excerpt where I introduce WILDs in the Mindful Lucid Dreaming Self-Study Course. We touch on keep concepts, including the timing of sleep interruption periods (wake-back-to-bed or WBTB), sleep paralysis, visualizations, the 61-point relaxation methods, and more. I also discuss one reason why some people confuse WILDs with out-of-body experiences (OBE), sometimes termed astral projection in more esoteric circles. There's more to this WILD and OBE conversation than I discuss here. Let me know what else you'd like to hear.


Ryan N
Ryan N
Dec 29, 2021

I just found your site off a google search DR. LaMarca. I'm just a young blind person who got into lucid dreaming on October 15th of 2020, and have been avidly practicing every day since. I'm in Discord communities and learned from people who were promenant on Dream Views in the past decade. Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming was one of the first things that had me questioning what I had been learning so far, and to seak out people with more experience. I have been helping to teach people on Discord about lucid dreaming for over a year now as I grew and developed my own knowledge and experience. I have logged approximately 367 lucid dreams over 440…

Ryan N
Ryan N
Jan 13, 2022
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Thank you for reading them. Ironically, I set intentions to recognize visuals as a dream sign every night, but that's not really been something that gets me lucid. I generally get lucid by remembering my intention to do so or through criticality and noticing something is out of place. Its even a combination of them at times, even if not consciously expressed, like just a sudden realization as I'm walking down a subway platform in London, a place I couldn't even afford to visit. If you do come across anyone doing research or interested in researching dreaming and the visually-impaired, I would love to know. Thank you for your time.


Don Salmon
Don Salmon
May 20, 2021

I just found your book and website. Wonderful! I'm particularly impressed (as a fellow clinical psychologist), that you don't reflexively take OBEs to be "merely" dreams, but are open to the possibility that they involve something "paranormal." I have a question about WILD (but first, having done some preliminary research on WILDs, I just want to say I'm very impressed with your creativity in presenting the methods; already learned some new things I hadn't seen elsewhere and will definitely use - the idea of engaging in imaginary physical actions to facilitate the final transition from hypnagogia to lucidity is a new one and makes complete sense).

Ok, have you ever used music of any kind to facilitate WILD? And do y…

Kristen LaMarca PhD
Kristen LaMarca PhD
May 23, 2021
Replying to

I wouldn’t be surprised if music could help facilitate not just relaxation but synesthesia-like experiences that could help some people transition lucidly. I’ll be curious to hear how it goes for you.

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